You rock, dude! Pat yourself on the back and skip to step 6. If you are now getting the file downloaded, you have already jumped the oracle hoop of patience, and been awarded the Oracle Cookie of Infinite Patience. In the section above the link, click the radio button saying 'Accept License Agreement', find your token link again and click it. Then search for your magic token again in this page. If you are in Europe, congrats! Click away the cookie banner telling you that we can make stupid laws here too. If you got the above token, ask google for site: jre-7u6-macosx-圆4.dmg and click the first result, a page probably entitled 'Java Archive Downloads - Java SE 7 - Oracle'. You feed it to google with a supporting incantation, and it produces a web page where you can download it. Head to and find the line that reads something like 'Download the jre-7u6-macosx-圆4.dmg file.' – THIS IS A MAGIC TOKEN. If it didn't find a command like that, you need to download and install it from Oracle first. If you got something like that, Othar the otter smiles upon you – proceed to step 7. Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode) Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13) '/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ugin/Contents/Home/bin/java ' -version